Drug Interactions CheckerWeather you use our Pill Reminder Service or not we want you to have assess to information about the prescription medications you are currently consuming. We want you to know if your taking your medications correctly with food and liquids and to know if any combinations of your prescriptions are interacting against each causing adverse reaction in your health. If you’re taking medications prescribed from 2 or more doctors you need to be your own drug advocate and know the facts about the medications you are consuming.There are two tools that you and your family will find invaluable. Click on this LINK, on the upper right hand side of the new page you’ll see a Blue Box asking you to register!Keep track of your UserName and Password, once you’ve verified your account you’ll be able to input all the medications your currently taking. Once you do that the site produces a complete and printable list of the drugs your taking and a report of the potential adverse reactions some drugs many have with one another.Once you’re registered click on the blue link to sign in!Now that your registered and signed in go to the top menu bar and click on the “Interactions Checker” link and it will take you to this page:Why is this important to you, its simple. Once you’ve identified an issue between two drugs, you can ask your doctor to prescribe a similar drug that doesn’t conflict with the other drug your taking; thus eliminating the possibility of an adverse reaction to your health and well being.This page is a self help page. If you need more help may we suggest that you take you pill list to any CVS or Walgreen and have their pharmacist review your drug list for potential problems.