
We are a Nation Wide Service Provider of Scheduled Pill Reminder Phone Calls. Regardless of where you live we can provide our service to you or a loved one, we are an outbound voice messaging pill reminder service. We help people who are medication non-compliant. Ava, the voice of the service will call to remind you to go to where you keep you medications/pills and take them now. If you’re not home she will leave the message on your answering machine or voice mail.
During the registration process, you will tell us what times of day/night you want to be called. This information then goes into our database, which is update every 24 hours. As soon as your information is in our database your Pill Reminder phone calls will begin usually within 24 hours of registering.
Glad you asked. Our system is designed to call your home phone, office phone or mobile phone. If you miss the call our system is designed to leave a voice message on your phone-answering system.
If you don’t have one we highly recommend you purchase one and set it up. It’s up to you to help us help you: our job is to call you at the prescribe times through out the day. It’s your responsibility to make sure you have a way to retrieve our voice messages. It’s our job to leave a voice message, if you don’t answer the phone.

You sure can! At the bottom of this page, you will see a link that says “Time Change” at the bottom of each page. Fill out the form telling us what times you want to be called and within 24 hours you will be on a new calling schedule.

Great Question: absolutely each of you will need to purchase the calling plan that best fits your exact needs. Our system is capable of making as many calls a day/night as is necessary to help make sure neither of you miss a dose of medicine.
When you register for our service, you agree to allow us to bill your credit card 30 days prior to service being delivered. This is a pay as you go calling subscription service with automated billing. You will be sent a receipt via your email account each month.

You sure can. On the menu there is a link that say CANCEL just click that button give us your phone number and your service will be canceled within 24 hours. It’s just that simple!